Philosophy of Technology
Is there something inherently bad or wrong about some technologies, or do faults lie wholly with the user? Do some technologies by their...
This week, we will be reading comic excerpts from "Zhuangzi Speaks: The Music of Nature" and discussing Taoism. Come on by for a relaxing...
History of Ancient Philosophy
This week, we will be covering ancient philosophers like Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle. What did they think? How Important were they?...
Game Night!
This week, Phil Club is switching it up. Instead of your regularly scheduled philosophy presentation, we bring to you philosophy inspired...
The Need for Philosophy in Science
What do science and philosophy have in common? Are the two mutually exclusive? Especially because philosophy does not necessarily need...
Facebook Epistemology
Ben "Moose" McIntosh Social Media is a part of every fabric of our lives. There are memes for entertainment, politics, health, and...
The Absurd
Cade The Absurd -Humans have a tendency to seek meaning -Can't find that meaning -This creates tension Camus -Kirkegaard first wrote...
When to Believe Upon Insufficient Evidence: Three Criteria
Presenter: Dr. Long, Ball State Alum Are we ever entitled to believe something that we don't have epistemic justification for? Two...
reality vs. Reality
Lexi Reality according to google- the world or the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea...

Present feelings affect perception of past and future Natural happiness is when a good thing turns out as planned. Synthetic happiness is...