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Philosophy of Technology

Is there something inherently bad or wrong about some technologies, or do faults lie wholly with the user? Do some technologies by their nature reinforce particular ideologies? Do artifacts have politics? I'll introduce some major lines of philosophical questioning about technology, and outline a theoretical approach developed by Alfred Borgmann, who offers one possible way to identify technologies that are more likely to be bad for us.

  • Philosophy of Technology

  • “And” or “Of”

  • Philosophical problem- external to technology

  • Technology itself is a subject of philosophical scrutiny

  • Nature of technology instead of external contingencies

  • Is art technology, or is technology art?

  • Coincide

  • Techniques are technology

  • Technology is not just an artifact, but the process to reach/create an artifact

  • Do animals have technology?

  • Make tasks more convenient

  • “Prototechnology”

  • Is it distinct from craft/art

  • Focus on things, or how they function? Less definition

  • Does technology have an essence?

  • Four major theories:

  • Neutrality: technology is a neutral tool that can be used for good or bad purposes

  • Determinism: technology is the driving force of social change

  • Technological development drives the course of history and social developments

  • Birth control and second-wave feminism

  • Strong determinism: there is a fixed path of development to technology and therefore a fixed path to social change

  • Weak determinism: technology influences social change

  • Autonomy: technology has a direction of its own that is beyond our control

  • Social Construction: technology is a man-made thing that shapes social practices which, in turn, shapes technological development

  • Borgmann: Device Paradigm

  • “The Moral Complexion of Consumption” (2000)

  • Two kinds of consumption:

  • Consumption up to subsistence

  • Paradigmatic Consumption

  • Principle of Symmetry:

  • “The human condition and the condition of the material environment tend toward the same level.”

  • Devices vs. focal things and practices

  • A device: separates the means from the ends

  • This kind of consumption “displaces the kinds of things in the material world that have a life and dignity of their own.”

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