History of Ancient Philosophy
This week, we will be covering ancient philosophers like Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle. What did they think? How Important were they? What is the philosophical drama of the ancient world? Come to Phil Club to find out! We will also be discussing constitutional edits and other administrative information at the end.
Topics and themes
The Will and Control
Theory of Forms
Belief that the material world as we see it is not the real world, but only a copy of the real world
Abstract representation of things and properties that we see and feel around us
The Republic
Epistocracy- rule of the most qualified, knowledgeable individuals run the city
An individual gets trained by birth
In society:
Utilizing the knowledge of various experts in various fields
Parliament of the wisest
How do you become one of the wisest people?
Money to pay for fancy education- aristocracy
Biased, unsupported beliefs on who is the best/smartest
The best idea for society is to take children away at age of 4 only to learn skills and be tested, reintroduced to society at age 28
Happiness is fulfillment
Plato assumes the essence before the existence removes the ability for the individual to be an individual
Essence vs. talent/ability
Fulfillment of a specific form that an individual naturally has because of talents different from essence
What You Know and the After Life
An individual should not fear death because it is either nothing or good
Irrational to fear something you don’t know
Only fear what is known
The Will (Willpower)
Akrasia vs. Enkrateia
Weakness of will
Someone acts against their better judgment because of weakness of will
If you knew what was right, you would do it
Debate of if it exists or not because of inability to implement knowledge over willpower
Self control is better to find self-governance
Knowledge vs. willpower
Idealism and empiricism