reality vs. Reality
Reality according to google- the world or the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them.
The allegory of the cave is a thought experiment where there are several people who being chained down for their entire lives have only experienced shadows on the wall in front of them. Their reality is then just those shadows. So, when we look at that thought experiment and we talk about their experienced realities each is a little r reality and together they may get closer to a big R reality.
So are we brains in a vat? How could we know?
Are we just a computer simulation?
Is there an evil genius warping our realities so that 2+2=4 no matter how many times we test it?
Allegory of Shroedingers Box?
If we could experience the reality of another person, would it fundamentally change our own reality?