This week, we will be reading comic excerpts from "Zhuangzi Speaks: The Music of Nature" and discussing Taoism. Come on by for a relaxing story time and discussion about how to follow the Tao.
Relatively speaking… Zhuangzi Speaks: The Music of Nature
Living in harmony with “the Way” or Nature
Does Taoism facilitate complacency?
Western approach for an Eastern Perspective
Worth and worthlessness are imposed onto situations, but relative with hindsight and application
Tao and eco-feminism
Zi Gong’s Snow-White Clothes
“A person who wears snow-white clothes isn’t necessarily so pure on the inside. Being poor is better than gaining riches through improper acts.”
Moral intuitionism
Spectrum of good and bad
Right vs. good
Learning to Walk in Handan
“At the outset, people who study are in search of the essence of nature, but after a while, they get lost in the forest of books and can’t get out.”
Contradicting your individual nature which will disrupt your natural disposition
Straying from your nature and going against the Way is discouraged because it goes against a natural state that you’re supposed to be in
The Little Sparrow’s Small Happiness
“We shouldn’t laugh at the sparrow in its small, self-contained world; nor should we envy the great peng bird in its grandeur.”
Taoist goal of following individual happiness regardless of potential comparisons
Understanding of others and what makes them happy vs. being content with what we have and recognizing others
Zhuangzi on his Deathbed
“Death is a natural dispersion and transformation of the body, so why not let nature handle it?”